Monthly Archives: July 2012

Are You Ready?

Tomorrow begins the tour of the south with my comrades, Jackie and Heidi.  What an adventure we are Iooking forward to.  From dumpster diving for trash that can be a treasure once more, to hitting the AmericasMart in Atlanta for the summer market (a first time visit for us all), I plan to share every detail.  Well, I might leave a few things out…..just to protect the innocent/guilty.

I had likened us to Thelma & Louise, well their trip didn’t end so well, and there are three, not two.  Then, there was Charlie’s Angels….hmm, I think they ended up in a Louisiana prison gang and sold into slavery.  Not my cup of tea.  So, I have now taken to comparing us to the gals of “Petticoat Junction.”  Yes, Bobbie Jo, Mary Jo & Billie Jo are about to depart from our own Hooterville and hit the dusty trail.  The worst we can get in to is falling in the railroad water tank!  So, here’s to a trip full of fun and interesting sites.  I hope you will join us and let us know how we are doing!  See y’all


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Facebook & The Barn

Facebook is an interesting source for friends, but even more interesting for small businesses like The Silver Barn.  Yesterday we did what we call a Facebook Frenzy contest where fans share pics with other friends to then win the item featured.  This is the second time we have done this as a fast way to spread the word about our store.  It does generate buzz and new followers.  But, what I get out of it more than I ever expected is the constant interaction throughout the day with the folks that follow our store and our page.  When folks are in the store we constantly hear how much they like the store, like what we carry, enjoy the people who work here, but that is hard to get through the Internet.  Yesterday we were able to “feel” the energy as our fans played, congratulated others who won, commented on items we were showing and basically told us what fun they had.

Today, a fan and customer told me she had such fun following the contest yesterday even though she didn’t win.  There is a sense of community out there in Facebook land, you just sometimes have to rattle the keyboard to feel it.


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Back In The Saddle Again

Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is “Guinness”. No, the Silver Barn blog has not gone to the deer.   I am here on behalf of Cynthia, owner of Silver Barn who apologizes for being so remiss in updating her fans of late.  She has been a tad busy getting the store ready to celebrate birthday number four, helping the most brides in one season find just the right items, and helping me find all my babies.  I must say, the spots just don’t help at times!

So now, she is about to head out on an adventure across the south, looking for goodies for the store.  The trip culminates with a visit to what I hear is a buyers Mecca, the AmericasMart in Atlanta.  I’m confident she will find lots of things I have no use for, but I’m sure you’ll be happy to see them.

Today she is creating a fan frenzy on her Facebook page, so go over and see what all the fuss is about.  I hear it is like when she brings us a bunch of apples.  These gals go crazy I tell you, crazy.  I offered to step forward and get you started on the updates…so, stay tuned!Image

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